Whew, Chile! #DatRona

Image result for Images of viruses and diseases

A lot has transpired since the last time I posted a blog. The main thing being the coronavirus or COVID19. Before the pandemic hit, I was trying to figure out my next moves business-wise with my cookies, planning graduation outings, dinners, etc. for my oldest daughter, and trying to figure out what we were going to do for this years spring break stay-cation.

Then the coronavirus hit.

social distancing

We’ve been encouraged to stay at least six feet away from people, to stay home if we’re sick, keep our children home if they are sick, stop shaking hands, hugging and kissing each other in greeting. During this time my retie was still happening as scheduled. But as the days and weeks went by, things quickly changed.

Businesses began to shut down. My job decided two weeks ago to shut down. The spread of coronavirus is happening fast all across the U.S. Now I’m second guessing having my retie. Local, midlevel and top government officials have been stressing social distancing. States began to shut down barber shops, massage parlors, tattoo parlors, beauty salons and nail salons. Even though my cousin works out of her home, I still felt the rules applied to her as well seeing how she has other outside customers other than myself.

the fear of being a carrier

Being a carrier weighed heavily on my mind. Not only did I worry about me being a carrier, but also my cousin or her other customers. My kids could be carriers. We simply don’t know. That thought and possibility is what made me ultimately cancel my retie appointment. The last thing I want is to be a carrier and be responsible for others getting sick, or my cousin being a carrier and I bring home germs to my family. Especially when my husband has a compromised immune system, as does my mother in law.

I know for a fact there are many women out there still getting their hair done or looking for someone to do their hair despite the warning to stay home. That concerns me, and honestly it angers me. Just like seeing hoards of spring breakers on the beaches of Florida and California. WHY? Why put yourself and others at risk like that?

what does this mean for me?

Well, I’m due for retie but I’m not in dire straits at the moment. My new growth is manageable. Learning how to do my own reties would have come in handy right about now, but it is what it is. What this means for me is patience, and lots of it. My cousin told me to let her know when I’m ready. I’m going err on the side of caution and listen to the health officials in my area and continue to quarantine in my home with my family. I honestly don’t know when it’ll be safe to be around others again. I’m going to keep praying that everyone uses sound judgement and do everything in their power to be clean and be mindful of others, especially those with compromised immune systems. This is bigger than hair.