Does Going Natural = Product Junkie?

The term “product junkie” has such a negative connotation. For me when I hear the term in regards to those with natural hair, I think of hoarders of various hair products. I picture someone’s bathroom counter or closet overflowing with bottles of this and that, all serving different purposes. When I made the decision to go natural I SWORE I would never become this person. Then I quickly realized how foolish I was to think this!

No matter how many YouTube videos you watch, no matter how many blogs you read or advice you receive from fellow naturalistas, you have to go through the process of finding what products work for your hair. This process includes buying products. Price is very important to me. My biggest fear is spending a lot of money on something that I don’t like because it didn’t work for me. Research and customer feedback are also important factors to me. I lean more towards products with natural ingredients, so if something has a lot of big word ingredients that I can’t pronounce then I don’t want it.

Customer feedback can be hit or miss, so you really have to take it for what it is and make your own judgment. But if 10 out of 15 people say something sucks, there just may be something to it.

So far in my natural hair journey I’ve found a line of products that work for me, and it’s the Shea Moisture line. The Curling Pudding and Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Mask work wonders for my hair. My mother in law has also purchased the hair thickening shampoo and conditioner, and she loves it because she has thin hair. I’ve also found that I like making my own hair concoctions with natural oils and raw African Shea Butter and they work very well on me and my daughter’s hair.

At this point and time I am not a product junkie, but I can definitely appreciate how easily it can happen because I almost got sucked in. My humble advice to anyone reading this is to always weigh the pros and cons and do your research before you buy. Word of mouth can be very helpful, but you have to remember that there are many different hair types out there. I have 4c hair so I look for comments from those who have thick, coarse hair like myself versus someone with fine, soft hair. In the meantime I’ll keep you posted if I find another great product or a concoction that you can make yourself. 🙂

Are Afro’s Still a Political Statement in 2013?

Angela Davis Afro

This question was asked in a Huffington Post article that I read a few days ago and it surprised me. I suppose I was surprised because most of us know that in the 1960’s and 1970’s Afro’s were a form of political protest because of the racial injustices of the times. One of the most popular faces of that movement was Angela Davis and her beautiful Afros. I also think of Pam Grier and her Afro in her blaxploitation film “Coffy.” It never crossed my mind that in this day and age people still equated Afro’s with taking some type of “fight the power” political stance, but then again it also shows you the power of the Afro.

Apparently Afros to some, especially in the corporate world, are a sign of resistance. You’re viewed as a radical and therefore your Afro is inappropriate or even unprofessional for the corporate work place. The thought of Afros being intimidating to some in 2013 makes me laugh. I laugh because for one Afros didn’t suddenly come on the scene in the 1960’s or 1970’s. They’ve been around since the beginning of time. Yes it was used as a form of protest during a tumultuous time in American history, but times have changed. Not everyone who wears an Afro is making a political statement today.

If anything the statement that’s being made now is “My natural hair may be kinky, it may be nappy and full of tight curls, but you know what? My natural hair is BEAUTIFUL!” The statement being made today is “Having chemically straightened hair is not the definition of beauty. Embracing the hair we were born with is what’s beautiful regardless of what media or society says.”

I have friends and family members who have natural hair and work in the corporate world and have experienced dirty looks or insensitive, ignorant comments from their workmates or bosses regarding their hair. There are some who are discouraged from going natural for fear of the company looking too “ethnic.” It’s quite sad and disheartening that in 2013 we’re still dealing with this kind of ignorance because of wearing our natural hair.

Education is the only thing that can help with misconceptions about African American hair. Not everyone has the same reasons for going natural, not everyone has the same reasons for rocking an Afro. Me personally, I’m rocking my Afro because I’ve always loved them. I think they are a crown of beauty. Afros come in all shapes, sizes, colors and textures. It takes confidence to wear an Afro, and for me the bigger my Afro gets the more confident I feel. As my hair grows longer I definitely plan on experimenting with other styles, but for now I’m very content with my Afro and big hoop earrings. There’s nothing political about loving what God gave me.

Keeping the Heat out my Hair

SJ 10-14-13

I’ve made a conscience effort to keep all forms of heat out of my hair, evening using luke warm water to wash and rinse my hair. My husband has been on me for months about blow drying out my hair to see just how long my hair really is. In all of the pictures I’ve posted thus far my hair was in a wash and go style. Well I finally broke down and blow dried my hair with my blow dryer with the comb attachment this past Saturday after washing and deep conditioning my hair.

I love the results but honey let me tell you – that was A LOT OF WORK blow drying my hair! I was sweating and my arm and hand got cramps in them!! Sheesh! I think it’s safe to say that I won’t be doing this again any time soon. Have a Fro-Tastic week loves!



SJPackers 10-11

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SJPackers3 10-11

I thought I’d share a bit more about myself because there is more to me than my natural hair blog. I’m the BIGGEST sports nut ever. I’m a tom boy who happens to be a girly girl as well. Go figure. I have naturally long nails and when I was younger I’d have my mom cut them or I’d cut them so I could play football, basketball or baseball with my brothers and the neighborhood kids. To this day if someone says let’s play softball, football or volleyball I’ll cut my nails and play. I’m all about my Green Bay Packers and every Friday at work I represent the green and gold with something Packers on. I married a fellow sports nut so our house is roaring with sports year round, kids included.

I also love to bake. Mostly cookies, that’s my specialty, but I also like to bake muffins and brownies. I’m a choco-holic, I love sweets. Sweets are my weakness. It is my dream to open up my own little cookie shop one day. I absolutely LOVE to bake. It’s so relaxing to me. That’s how I get my “Me” time. Turn on the music and just bake some yummy goodness. That’s the life. Side note: If you’re looking for healthy, diet friendly cookies I’m not your girl. I believe in butter when it comes to baking. If you’re not using butter why are you baking?? What’s the point? (Just my opinion) I’m all about taste and flavor and yumminess. I know there are some recipes out there that are healthy and taste good, but at the end of the day I need to taste that homemade goodness. I like soft cookies too. I’m not a fan of crunchy, hard cookies, so my cookies are always soft. My triple peanut butter cookies will melt in your mouth. Literally. 😉 I may just start a cookie blog, who knows. I’ll keep you posted……

Anyhoo, just because it’s Friday I thought I’d post a quick note along with progress pictures of my fro. I’m so proud of it! Check the green earrings to go with my Packers shirt. 😉 HAPPY FRIDAY & GO PACK GO!!!!